Sealants Can Help

sealants and fluorideIt is incredibly important to protect and maintain your child’s smile. While they are mostly responsible for taking care of their teeth, there are still ways that you can help bolster and support their efforts. Outside of ensuring they brush and floss regularly, you can bring them to the dentist for not only checkups but also for sealants and fluoride treatments. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist discusses these procedures and the ways they can help your little ones.  (more…)

Safe Dental Cleanings For Your Child’s Smile

By gently and consistently keeping your child’s smile clean at an early age, you protect them against threats to their smile that can disrupt their development and well-being. When they are old enough to brush and floss for themselves, the right guidance and support can ensure they stay defended against different threats. One thing to keep in mind is that you should not put all of your hopes into daily care. After all, kids can and should rely on regular dental cleanings to help protect them! Our Round Rock, TX dentist’s office is ready to help your little ones take care of their teeth by cleaning and evaluating them regularly, and by stepping in to provide more involved care when needed. (more…)