Lifelike Fillings Keep Kids’ Teeth Safe

There are several reasons why your kids should make regular trips to see their dentist. Many of the benefits to consistent treatment are the same for kids as adults. One important reason to bring them in is to help them stay safe from dental decay. At an early age, cavities can be especially concerning, because if they are not addressed in time and treated properly, they can cause issues with the arrival of their adult teeth and disrupt the development of their smile! Our Round Rock, TX pediatric dental office is prepared to carefully and conservatively treat cavities that affect our younger patients. We can actually provide lifelike dental fillings that preserve their smile and oral structures while they protect their surrounding enamel from further harm. (more…)

Put Those Dental Benefits To Good Use Now

round rock dental benefits

If you have dental insurance for your kids, then you have a set amount of benefits that will expire unless used by the end of December. Instead of letting these benefits that you paid for disappear, but not put them to good use? In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to use them to help your child’s smile, so your little one can continue to enjoy optimal oral health.


Should My Child Receive Teeth Whitening?

round rock teeth whitening

You may assume that teeth whitening is for adults only, but we have treatments to help children enjoy brighter smiles too. For some, stains could be a source of embarrassment. We understand how to assess the cause of discoloration, and recommend the best treatment option. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about teeth whitening.


A Tooth Extraction Could Prevent Infections And More

round rock kids extractions

When a child has a tooth that is impacted, or complicates the alignment and health of surrounding teeth, then the tooth may need to be removed. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist wants to talk about how we extract teeth, and the steps we take to ensure the procedure is a comfortable one. Sometimes, a safe and comfortable removal could help preserve your child’s smile and avoid major oral health complications!


A Dental Crown Could Improve Your Child’s Oral Health

round rock crowns

We offer a custom-made restoration known as a dental crown, which can correct a host of cosmetic and restorative dental issues, and even improve speech and the ability to eat. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we design and place a custom crown for children, and the benefits they provide for their oral health.
