Cavities In Children

Smile RRTXTooth decay is an issue that affects people of all ages and routine home dental care is vital in avoiding cavities. As the parent of a child, you understand the difficulties that can come when you try to maintain a strict oral health regimen. We try to avoid or limit the amount of tooth decay in young mouths. Yet sometimes, they might require a dental filling.

Consistent checkups with your dentist at Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock in Round Rock, TX help to keep your child safe. They require a cleaning and examination every six months in order to keep a close eye on the development of their mouth. Restorative care with a dental filling can stop the decay from a problem bacterial infection. Use this as a tool to bolster their dental regimen at home and in the office! (more…)

Set The Dental Tone For Your Child

Child Round Rock TXKeeping your child safe comes through two specific oral health avenues. The first is home maintenance, which includes twice daily brushing. Teach your little one to floss, as well. This simple process can help to stave off plaque buildup between the teeth that can lead to decay and periodontal disease. These conditions can develop in young mouths and leave lasting harm into adulthood.

The other way that you need to keep the dental wellbeing of your child in mind is through the placement of consistent visits to your Round Rock, TX pediatric dentist. Oral health habits start early and once they settle in, they can be difficult to retrain. During the time it takes to reinstill positive dental health values, lasting damage due to bacterial growth and other concerns can occur. Take the time to give your child the tools they need to be successful in their dental development. (more…)

Avoid Tooth Decay In Preteen Smiles

Preteen RRTXWe have discussed the importance of starting to instill healthy dental habits early over the last few weeks. What about when they become a little older, however? As adult teeth begin to emerge, it is vital to give your growing child the tools they need to be successful in their dental life. As they get bigger, so does their willpower; help them to recognize the lasting benefits of routine smile maintenance.

This discussion starts at home with regular oral hygiene practices of brushing and flossing. Alongside a strong home regimen, be sure to set strict appointments with their pediatric dentist every six months at the latest. Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock in Round Rock, TX can help you to reiterate the importance of dental health maintenance between visits. Give them the best head start that you can with routine cleanings and examinations to bolster your home message. They might not always listen to you in the way they did when they were younger, so sometimes an additional voice can help! (more…)

Start Dental Healthcare Early

Fedora Round Rock TXFor parents of newborn children, oral health can be a bit of a mystery. After all, how do you brush a tooth before they even come in? Care for the periodontal health of your child through proper maintenance. This term refers to the vitality of the gum tissue, and its infection can start at an early age.

A child’s teeth start coming in when they reach four to six months old and even before this time, there are things you can do to ensure that your baby has a stable dental foundation. At Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock in Round Rock, TX, we help young smiles grow with their future in mind. Take the time to learn proper maintenance for your little one’s periodontal health and help them have the tools they need to be successful through teething and beyond! (more…)

Schedule A Cleaning Before Christmas!

Child RRTXThis time of year, it seems like the days just fly by. When you are a parent, this can be even more stressful and difficult to manage. You want your family to look their best through a whirlwind of activity, often including haircuts and new clothes. As you see loved ones, it feels important to give your best appearance during the holiday season.

That makes this a great time to schedule your child’s routine cleaning and examination to ensure that they go into the new year with a strong grasp on their oral health. When the little ones look and feel their best, it can remove some of your stress, as well. Your Round Rock, TX pediatric dentist is here to help you have healthy smiles over the holidays. Also, use this time to instill strong dental habits in your youngster! (more…)

Understanding Cavities And Dental Fillings

fillingsWhen you have children, it is crucial that you instill in them the importance of maintaining an at-home oral healthcare routine. This consists of brushing their teeth twice daily for at least two minutes and flossing once. We understand that getting your kid to brush his or her teeth can be a difficult task, but it is a crucial one nonetheless. The primary reason this is so necessary is to prevent cavities. We hear about cavities all the time, and they are positioned as the main issue are preventative efforts are levied against them. Despite this word floating around in our minds, many people do not explicitly know what it is. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist discusses tooth decay and the ways that we can treat it. (more…)

 Keeping Little Smiles Healthy During The Holidays

round rock thanksgiving cavities

Thanksgiving and the holiday season are a fun time for children, but also a time when kids are exposed to lots of sugar and starch, which leads to tooth decay. Fortunately, we have a few tips to help keep little smiles healthy and strong. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about protecting smiles from holiday cavities.
