Category: Preventive Dentistry

Better Smile Care In 2023

round rock new years smiles

We’re all thinking of resolutions and striving to improve ourselves in 2023. For you and your children, this could mean boosting your oral health with positive changes to your daily routine. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about improving little smiles in 2023 and beyond!

Start Dental Healthcare Early

Fedora Round Rock TX

For parents of newborn children, oral health can be a bit of a mystery. After all, how do you brush a tooth before they even come in? Care for the periodontal health of your child through proper maintenance. This term refers to the vitality of the gum tissue, and its infection can start at an… Read more »

Be Sure To Use Your 2022 Dental Benefits

round rock dental benefits

Our team knows that between the holiday season and the approaching end of the year, there isn’t much time to undergo treatment at our office. Which is why we want to offer parents in our community the chance to use the dentist benefits they have for their children before they expire. In today’s blog, your… Read more »

Strengthening Smiles With Fluoride

round rock fluoride treatment

In our last blog, we talked about how dental sealants could help lower the risk of tooth decay. We want to continue this conversation with a look at another preventive treatment. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we can use a fluoride gel to protect teeth from cavities.

Sealants Can Help

sealants and fluoride

It is incredibly important to protect and maintain your child’s smile. While they are mostly responsible for taking care of their teeth, there are still ways that you can help bolster and support their efforts. Outside of ensuring they brush and floss regularly, you can bring them to the dentist for not only checkups but… Read more »

The Technology We Use To Treat Little Smiles

round rock dental technology

When we offer care for children of all ages, we want to make sure they receive quality treatment and their best possible smiles. To do so, we employ advanced technology as part of the diagnostic and treatment process. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the advanced systems we employ!