Sedation Dentistry Helps Keep Your Child Calm

Round Rock, TX, dentist offers sedation

Do dental checkups cause your child worry or anxiety? This can make the experience unpleasant for them and you and can make it difficult for them to get their necessary treatments. As a result, their oral health could suffer. To help your little one feel at ease during their visit and keep their smile healthy, your Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock offers sedation options. Today, we will discuss when this can be used and explore the various types available for our patients.


We Offer Emergency Dental Care For Kids


Round Rock, TX, dentist offers emergency care

Preventive dentistry can reduce the chances of many common problems. However, accidents are not always avoidable. When they happen, it is important to be prepared for them. If your little one has harmed a tooth, gums, or smile in any way, the team at Round Rock Dentistry is here to help. The team can assess the harm that has occurred and produce a helpful treatment plan to restore their health.


Restoring Little Smiles With Dental Bonding And Contouring

round rock dental bonding

When your child has cosmetic issues with the shape and color of their teeth, or if they sustain damage to teeth, then we can help repair and address these concerns. With dental bonding and contouring, we can do this in only one visit. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist can offer improved smiles in a single appointment with a noninvasive cosmetic treatment!


We Offer Safe Teeth Whitening Treatment For Kids

Round Rock, TX, dentist offers whitening for kids

Did you know that we offer cosmetic services for pediatric patients? If you would like to help boost your child’s confidence in their smile, this may be achieved with a professional whitening treatment. Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock, TX, offers this option for younger patients who have all of their permanent teeth in and have gone through their necessary orthodontic treatment. In today’s blog, we will be discussing how we can safely whiten their smile.


When Your Child Has A Severe Cavity

Round ROck, TX, dentist offers root canals for kids

There are many restorative treatments available to reverse harm to a tooth. Broken or worn-down teeth can be covered with a crown. If your little one develops tooth decay, a filling can treat the area and prevent the carie from worsening. However, if the cavity is severe or becomes infected, another treatment may be necessary. For baby teeth, we can perform a pulpotomy to repair the area and relieve discomfort. Today, your Round Rock Pediatric Dentistry is here to explain what to expect from this procedure.


Crowns Protect Your Little One’s Teeth

Round Rock, TX, dentist offers crowns for kids

Did you know that dental crowns are not only used for adults? This restorative practice uses tooth-shaped caps to protect your pearly white after injury or infection. At Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock, TX, we can offer this for your child to protect their primary teeth. Before your little one has this restoration done, learn what to expect from this process in today’s blog.


If Your Little One Has A Cavity

ROund Rock Dentist of Texas offers preventive care for your child's dental health

Even though your child will eventually lose their first set of teeth, it is important to keep up with their oral health. Proper prevention, and restorations, when necessary, can create good habits that will last a lifetime. If your young one develops a cavity, Round Rock Dentistry in Texas offers fillings to repair their pearly whites after decay. This will help promote healthy permanent teeth to grow in.


Oral Cancer Screenings: Not Just For Adults

Round Rock, TX, children's dentist offers oral cancer screenings

Your child’s biannual dental visits offer many benefits. They help ensure that your little one is brushing correctly, is cavity-free, and can even monitor for more serious problems. While the likelihood of your young one developing a problem such as oral cancer, is rare it is important to monitor for signs during their exams. Today your Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock, Texas, is here to explain what we look for and the risk factors for this disease.


Sedation Dentistry Helps Your Child Feel Comfortable


Roundrock Pediatric Dentistry offers sedations for patients

Your little one’s oral health is an important part of their overall well-being. When trips to the dentist seem to create a lot of anxiety and worry in your child, it can be difficult to make this a positive experience. At the Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock Texas, we can offer sedation dentistry to help them feel more at ease during a visit. In today’s blog, we are here to discuss the benefits of this service.
