We Offer Restorative Care For Kids


Round Rock, TX, dentist offers restorative care

Preventive care, such as an at-home oral hygiene routine and biannual checkups, helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. Sometimes though, issues may still arise that need to be treated before they become a serious problem. Your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist offers restorations from fillings to extractions to keep your little one’s smile safe. In today’s blog, we’ll explore these treatments and why they may be necessary.

Tooth Fillings Address Cavities

Tooth decay is a fairly common problem for young patients. As they learn how to properly care for their smile, they may miss some spots when brushing their teeth, which can lead to cavities forming. When this happens, it’s important that the cavity is caught in the early stages and treated promptly. Their dentist will look for signs of decay during their biannual visit and can schedule a filling if one is found. Dental fillings are a fairly straightforward restoration that involves removing the decayed part of their dental structure and adding a strong material in its place. If this treatment is put off, the cavity can worsen and may lead to an infection that will need to be treated with a root canal.

Crowns Can Protect Their Tooth After Harm

Injuring one of your pearly whites can be stressful and can cause discomfort for your child. These types of damage to your smile often happen on accident, like when playing sports or from excessive teeth grinding. If your little one has chipped or cracked one of their pearly whites, their dentist can place a tooth-shaped cap over it to protect it from further harm. This dental crown can prevent their natural dental structure from becoming more damaged or infected and prevents premature tooth loss which can have negative consequences on your child’s oral health. This restoration can be used on baby teeth and will come out when the adult structure is ready to erupt.

Extractions May Be Used As A Last Resort

Their dentist will do their best to restore their smile with other treatment options. In some cases, though, removing a severely damaged dental structure may be the best way to preserve their smile’s health. Extractions may be necessary if their dental structure cannot be restored, has become infected, or has the potential to damage their other teeth. We understand this procedure may be intimidating for your child, but our team is here to help make them feel comfortable during their treatment with the help of sedation. The area will be numbed, their tooth will gently be removed, and the space will be cleaned and closed.

Restorative Treatments Help Maintain Their Smile

Whether your child has cavities or has a seriously damaged tooth, we are here to help treat and protect their smile. To schedule an appointment with our Round Rock, TX, office, call us today at 512-733-5311.