How To Ease Your Child’s Dental Emergency

round rock dental emergency

When your little one chips a tooth or complains about sudden discomfort, then your child may need a dental emergency visit! Even outside of normal business hours, we want to offer treatment to protect little smiles. In today’s blog, your Round Rock, TX, pediatric dentist talks about our approach to emergency dental care for kids.

Common Examples of a Dental Emergency

A sudden toothache or painful swelling could be a sign of a cavity or infection that needs immediate attention in order to save the tooth. An object stuck between teeth that floss cannot remove also requires a dental visit. Cracked or chipped teeth, even if the damage appears minor, need attention to avoid the onset of cavities or infection. If a tooth is knocked loose or out completely, or a restoration like a filling or crown is loose or lost, then you should contact our team right away! Even if this happens outside of normal business hours, give us a call and leave a message., We will call back to set up a time to see your child quickly. If the issue is potentially life threatening, then call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room. Otherwise, let us know as soon as possible!

Steps to Ease Discomfort

First, you can offer them an age-appropriate over-the-counter pain reliever. Any bleeding can be stemmed with cloth or gauze, and a cold compress to the side of the face can prevent major swelling. If a tooth hurts, experiences swelling, or has something stuck between it and a neighboring tooth, then help your children rinse with warm water and floss on either side. If this fails, to alleviate pain, let us know. If a tooth is damaged, try to recover any pieces and bring them with you. If a tooth is knocked out completely, pick it up by the crown, never the root, and place it in a sealed container of milk or salt water.

Preventing Dental Injuries

Our team could also discuss creating a custom mouthguard for your kid to wear if he or she plays sports or martial arts. This is far more effective at protecting the smile than a simple store-bought boil-and-bite option. Maintaining good oral health is important too, as you protect your child’s teeth from issues like tooth decay and infection, which could cause discomfort and weaken them, leaving the smile more vulnerable to injury and major complications.

If you have any questions about how our team provides emergency dental care for little smiles of all ages, or about protecting your children from injuries, then contact our team today to learn more.

Your Round Rock, TX, Pediatric Dentist Offers Emergency Dentistry

We want to help protect your children from the complications of an injured tooth. Give us a call at Pediatric Dentistry of Round Rock at (979)472-4498 for more information or to schedule their next appointment.